My Purposely Famous Story
From Forgotten Farm Girl to...
Jet Setting Around the World With Pitbull, Britney Spears, and the Rolling Stones…
To spending a year in solitary silence in a monastery in East Asia…
To returning with a sense of purpose and conviction to help others follow their own unique path that fulfills their legacy too.
This is not about becoming rich, famous, or successful
just for the sake of it. It’s so much deeper than that.
Hi there, I’m Karin Roest.
When I grew up in Idaho as a child, I always wondered if I’d ever make it off the farm… it seemed impossible.
I knew deep down that my “happily ever after” required getting out and doing more, and I was desperate to make that happen.
I had no idea that “more” meant that I, a small town nobody, would go from feeding chickens and goats to end up working with the most influential celebrities and public figures around the world.
But I did.
Over the next 15 years, I worked behind the scenes with Grammy Award Winning Musicians, Nobel Peace Prize Winners, New York Times Bestselling authors, and award-winning philanthropists, journalists, and scientists. And you know what?

The biggest lesson I learned is that these superstars are
no better than you and me.
But they’ve always had someone behind the scenes helping them make a global impact, so, my question to you is... who's in your corner?
How I Discovered the Secrets to Maximize
Authority, Wealth, and Impact
I definitely didn’t always know all of these things. The truth is, I know what it’s like to settle for less.
I never felt like I was good enough.
As a Korean adoptee raised in an all-white conservative farm town, I was the outcast. My dad worked three jobs milking cows until dawn to support my mom and my five adopted siblings and I. This made paying the bills, fitting in, and feeling loved a constant struggle.
So I studied harder. I worked two jobs during high school, got straight A’s, and played sports to try and keep up with everyone else. I went to university and volunteered in the poorest villages in Africa …but I still felt like I didn’t matter.
After college, I applied to work on a humanitarian project with a big time Hollywood producer, but got rejected. I was humiliated but had the courage to tell him again, “I AM going to work for you one day.”
He Laughed in My Face. But I Didn’t Give Up

Months later, he finally hired me. But instead of the humanitarian project, my role was to be his secretary and manage the affairs of his many celebrity clients.
I started out getting his coffee and answering his phone, then moved up the ladder to organize press conferences, handpick celebrities to promote and host, and negotiate with investors and Fortune 500 companies for multi-million dollar sponsorship and investment deals.
It was a sink or swim environment with little instruction, but five years later I had learned enough to start my own celebrity talent agency and production company. So I left, and started working with celebrities on my own around the world after that.
In order to find the best talent, I reviewed thousands of profiles to find the most qualified ones to get paid up to half a million dollars for one 40-minute speech, or up to $6 million dollars for a two-hour performance.
But what’s really interesting is that most of the people in the limelight were once average people who have the same drive that you have. Very few had incredible breakthroughs, while most couldn’t or didn’t sustain it.
Over the years, I've observed what the best of the best did to reach their success and learned that…
The Biggest Influencers Systematically Create Their
Influence and Wealth. It doesn't happen on accident.
It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, where you come from, what you look like, or if you have famous connections or money.
I’ve seen firsthand that the most successful people in the world use a systematic process to get where they want to be.
That’s why I’m convinced that if you learn and implement this system, you can reach your highest level of fulfillment and influence too.
Then I had an idea: “What if I share this systematic process with people like you, so that you have a better chance of making more money and reaching your dreams?”
“What if you know exactly how to run your own business like the celebrity moguls out there who get paid for doing what they love in front of a global audience?”
“What if I could break down the process into simple, bite-sized steps that could get you off the wrong trajectory and finally on to the right one…”
“What if you connect with other up-and-coming trailblazers who are so committed to their legacy that one day you could make the most influential people in the world come to you?”
“And what if you have a faster, easier way to get there, like a rocket straight to the top? Notice I didn’t say “easy” – but I said easier.
Well, there is. The Purposely Famous System is that rocket. Let me explain how this came about.
I Was Surrounded With Endless Glitz and Glamour, Vicariously Living a Luxurious Life through Celebrities Like Britney Spears and the Latino Elite
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I know that you might be wondering, “Karin, if life was as great for you as it sounds living the "dream," why did you want to help me? I haven’t made my biggest break yet.”
It’s a fair question. Here’s why:
I remember standing backstage, working at a Britney Spears concert when she had the biggest tour in the world.
She flew in on her private jet and the rest of the crew flew in commercial on a separate plane.
We drank champagne, took the chauffeurs to the best VIP nightclubs, and did anything else we wanted at the Four Seasons Hotel.
My job was to keep her happy.
I’m good at making celebrities happy… I know what to say, what they need, and how to make everything behind the scenes look great, even when it is so often disorganized.
But if I was so good at making others feel happy, why did I feel so unhappy inside myself?
The Crowd of 50,000 Fans in the Stadium Roared With Excitement, But I Felt as if I Was Standing Miles Away, All Alone
As fun as my jet setting career had been, I had worked too many 100 hour weeks, partied too much ‘til dawn, and had focused too much on pleasing everyone else but me. I was exhausted.
I felt like I was back on the farm again, knowing there had to be more to life than this. But as an adult, the stakes were higher. If I left that job, I had no idea what else I would do or where I would go.
Plus I’d shamefully have to admit to my family and friends that my outward success left me feeling empty inside.
If this was seemingly what we aspire to have – not necessarily to be a pop star – but to have the highest level of influence and wealth possible, I had found out the hard way that…
You're Missing Out on SO MUCH if you have Influence and Wealth
but Don't Know Your Purpose
Nevertheless, I was determined to find the answer, once again. So I left and did some serious soul searching as a nun in a monastery in Myanmar (Burma) for the next year…in silence.

It wasn't easy. But after a year in deep contemplation without materialism and conversation, I finally felt inspired to wake up and get out of bed again and feel good about it.
I Shaved My Head. I Was Not Allowed to Talk, Read, or Write for ONE YEAR. Yep, NO TALKING For a Year.
In my heart…if I know that celebrities are not better than I am, then I am not better than you either. We are on a collective lifelong journey that needs everyone who recognizes that they are here for a bigger purpose than themselves to come together, speak out, and inspire others.
The world needs more people with depth, meaning, and heart-warming souls that really care about humanity and the state of the world. But you cannot do this alone. The task is too big.
That is the core reason why the Purposely Famous System exists.
Forget About Trashy Celebrities and Reality TV Stars That Ruin the Word
“Fame” - That isn't You. Your Purpose is Bigger Than That!
You can be empty and full of fame, or full of purpose and be famous for creating a legacy. These are two different things.
Fame means that you have more visibility, which gives you more authority and more demand for you…and selling and helping people becomes much easier.
Ultimately it’s about solving people’s problems, creating more happiness and fulfillment, and being responsible about how we earn and spend our money.
It’s something so much bigger than just running a business.
On the deepest level, it’s the kind of impact that changes all of humanity for the better.
I believe that most people want to save the world, but who has the time or energy if you’re tapped out trying to find your next clients, overworked and underpaid, or can’t take care of your own basic needs?
I wish it weren’t like this, but this is reality.
So let’s turn this around so you can really live your life mission and feel completely content with it.

I'm on a Mission to Redefine Fame in a Positive Way and Help Purposeful People Take the Lead to Change the World

And I hope to do this TOGETHER with you!